Whenever one chooses your company, his expectations are high and you need to fulfill them. It is a gesture of complying and customers are always looking for it. If you don’t meet their expectations, they will start looking at better opportunities.
It is not all about the product or service. You can provide the best services but if your customer service department fails to satisfy the customers, they will switch the provider. In order to stay far away from such genuine issues, it is essential to listen to your customers. Either it’s your first meeting with your customer or it’s time to take feedback from them, you need to be an active listener. By listening to them carefully, you will be able to make corrections, make them satisfy and make them your permanent client.
It is important to know that what actually it means by listening?
Listening is not just hearing them or responding to their emails and calls. It is beyond it, you need to get involved, you need to build a connection with them, you need to pay attention to their thoughts and you need to understand what they are expecting from you. Let’s have a review on why it is important to listen to your customers.
Customer Loyalty
As we discussed already, the quality of the product or service that you are providing is not enough to guarantee your successful journey with the customer. Communication and interaction are essential factors that can change the game.
Customer Loyalty
The weak and poor communication can cause your customers to think again that if they have chosen the right service. In the case of customer service, the room is too shallow. You have to overhear them and act in accordance with their feedback. Once, they will be satisfied that you are listening attentively, they will consider you even in the future.
Customer Retention
When the customer observes that the service providers are not just providing them an amazing service or product but also hear them, involves with the project, and act accordingly, they will trust you more. It is important that customers and the representatives will be on the same page. The communication will help them to endure smoother and blander communication. It is studied that 91% of the customers will stay with the provider, once their first interaction goes successful.
Customer Churn
The customer churn rate defines the success rate of the company. When the customers are viewing the profile of the company, they are more interested to know interactional details rather than projects. One of the biggest reasons for the high churn rate is the unsatisfactory customer service department. It is important for a customer to get attention while communicating their thoughts. If they are not satisfied, they will deviate to a better service provider. It is investigated that 86% of customers will gladly move for another provider where they find customer service department more satisfactory.